The conventional six-transistor static random access memory (SRAM) cell allows high density and fast differential sensing but suffers from half-select and read-disturb issues. Although the conventional eight-transistor SRAM cell solves the read-disturb issue, it still suffers from low array efficiency due to deterioration of read bit-line (RBL) swing and Ion/Ioff ratio with increase in the number of cells per column. Previous approaches to solve these issues have been afflicted by low performance, datadependent leakage, large area, and high energy per access. Therefore, in this paper, we present three iterations of SRAM bit cells with nMOS-only based read ports aimed to greatly reduce datadependent read port leakage to enable 1k cells/RBL, improve read performance, and reduce area and power over conventional and 10T cell-based works. We compare the proposed work with other works by recording metrics from the simulation of a 128-kb SRAM constructed with divided-wordline-decoding architecture and a 32-bit word size. Apart from large improvements observed over conventional cells, up to 100-mV improvement in read-access performance, up to 19.8% saving in energy per access, and up to 19.5% saving in the area are also observed over other 10T cells, thereby enlarging the design and application gamut for memory designers in low-power sensors and battery-enabled devices.