Proposed Title :
FPGA Implementation of SVM based Seizure Detection System with using Truncation Multiplier
Improvement of this Project:
To develop SVM based Seizure Detection System with using Truncation Multiplier, and hence proved the Area, Power and Delay with using Synthesized in Xilinx XC6SLX100T-2CSG484 FPGA.
Software implementation:
- Modelsim
- Xilinx 14.2
Proposed System:
In this recent research of automatic seizure detection system is very convenient to monitor epilepsy patients in anywhere at the time of predictions previously and alert hospitals and related persons. In this work where design a high efficiency and attain high detection accuracy system of seizure detection in system on chip, this paper present with non linear support vector machine (SVM) with classifications method and also consists of seizure prediction feature extraction method. In the feature extraction method discrete wavelet transform will level Daubechies to fit the physiological bands of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. In this existing system of SVM with modified sequential minimal optimization in Gaussian Kernel algorithm to perform efficient on chip learning, but it will take more logic size due to cause of more number of multipliers. Here, this proposed work presents this SVM with Gaussian Kernel algorithm design in Truncated method using Signed-Unsigned Truncation multiplier, it will reduced the area size in internal and external, thus its having n size outputs from n x n inputs, this experimental results will shown in VLSI System of XILINX FPGA XC6SLX100T-2CSG484, with proved in the terms of Area, delay and power.
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VLSI Design of SVM-Based Seizure Detection System With On-Chip Learning Capability
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